Confirmation of the points credit
Dear host,
We thank you for your support and hope with the credit of {vig_loyalty_points} bonus points to motivate your guest {vig_guest_firstname} {vig_guest_lastname} to return in the near future.
Here you can confirm the {vig_loyalty_points} bonus points for your guest or if the guest has not arrived please reject the crediting of the bonus points.
- Guest: {vig_guest_firstname} {vig_guest_lastname}
- Stay: {vig_arrival_date} - {vig_departure_date}
Invalid mandant!
Yours sincerely
Jungfrau Region Tourism AG
- responsible for the digital guest services in the Jungfrau Region -
Kammistr. 13
3800 Interlaken, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)33 521 43 43
If you have technical questions about the registration process, please send them to